अगर अभी से इन बातों का ध्यान रखा जाये तो आप भी ३० बर्ष की उम्र तक अमीर बन सकते हैं

आज कल की ज़िन्दगी में पैसा किसे पसंद नहीं है आज हर इंसान को  उस एटीएम मशीन की पैसे निकलने से पहले की  आवाज़ और   ***००० अमाउंट क्रेडिटेड इन  योर अकाउंट बाले मैसेज से ही सबसे ज्यादा खुसी  होती है । लेकिन क्या  एक अमीर इंसान बनने के लिए नौकरी नाम के भंवर में फसने के अल्वा और भी कई रास्ते मौजूद हैं जी हाँ बिलकुल इन्वेस्टिंग कैपिटल(पूँजी) किसी के लिए भी नए शब्द हो सकते हैं लेकिन ये आपके अमीर बनने के रास्ते में वाधा नहीं एक वरदान है एक सामान्य ज़िन्दगी से ऊपर उठके एक लक्ज़री लाइफ जीना हमारे लिए आज एक सपना बनके रह गया है  To become a billionaire, create opportunities, invest wisely and retain wealth. Here's a theory of how to become a billionaire.

1. मन लगा के मेहनत से पढ़ो :
सामान्यतः एक अमीर आदमी होना किसी दुर्घटना का परिणाम या कोई चमत्कार नहीं होता है  । टैक्स , इंटरेस्ट  और डिविडेंड्स (लाभांश) का अध्धयन करके अमीर बनो ।फाइनेंस और उद्यमिता (एन्त्रेप्रेंयूर्शिप) के बारे में पढ़िए  ,उपभोक्ताओं की जरूरतों  को पहचानिये और उन जरूरतों के अनुसार बिज़नेस मॉडल बनाकर उन्हें पूरा करिये । बर्तमान समय में बहुत ही कम समयबधि में आप  कंप्यूटर साइंस और नयी टेक्नोलॉजी की योग्यताओ को सीखकर अपना कर्रिएर बना सकते हैं ध्यान रखे यहाँ कैरियर से मेरा मतलब सुबह से शाम बाली नौकरी से नहीं है ।

धनी लोगो के बारे में गहनता से पढ़िए वारेन बफेट ,बिल गेट्स मार्क ज़ुकरबर्ग मुकेश अम्बानी आदि । और अधिक पाने के लिए अपने पैसे के साथ बुद्धिमानी पूर्वक पेश आइये । 

2. पैसे बचाइए :
पैसा कमाने के लिए पैसा जरुरी होता है  तो  जो भी पैसा आपको प्राप्त हो उसमे से कुछ पैसे एक तरफ रख दीजिये  चाहे तो आप उन्हें भबिष्य में ब्याज और इन्वेस्टमेंट के लिए सेविंग अकाउंट में रख सकते हैं । निश्चित करें के आप अपने पैसो का कितने प्रतिशत सेव करना चाहते हैं (१०००-१२००  प्रति माह ३ या ५ साल में एक बड़ा अंतर खड़ा कर सकता है । 

3. सारे उधार  दें :
क़र्ज़ में रहकर सफलता की रह पर आगे बढ़ना बहुत मुश्किल होता है   

Top 10 websites to learn coding

10 of the best trustworthy web  platforms for learning CODING that you may not know:-

In today’s digital world, coding has become so popular that it can change one’s life. We have composed 10 of the best trustworthy sites to learn coding. You can take an example of coders who have sold their code to multi-nationals and became millionaires in months.
Initially coding can be tough for a beginner. A person needs to understand the concept of computer science and get used to tools that help in developing the code. Many people give up before starting, but it doesn’t have to be in that manner.
The best way to learn code is with project based approach. It will give you new ideas, keep you motivated and most importantly your retention of code will be increased.
So, before you start coding lesson, think of a small project in your mind. Below mentioned are the best resources for getting started with coding.
This is the most popular and recognized resource for learning code. Join the community of codecademy and you can choose from courses grouped into eight tracks: APIs, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, web fundamentals, or combine languages into projects.
Code Racer as the name suggest provides code learning while competing with others in a Race. With time limits and help feature Code Racer has made a unique style to learn from.
There are hundreds of free videos to help you learn web development, with an optional premium membership to get even more out of PhpAcademy.
Khan Academy brings millions of students from around the world together to learn all sorts of digital skills, from coding to calculus to computer science theory. This means you can become an expert coder and a proficient mathematician in the same place.
If you have Python and Java problems then no frills just the exercises. It is probably better for someone with a little bit of background (meaning you know what a function/parameter is and can use The Google to figure out/find grammar/functions you need). The site was made by the same guy who taught the Google Python Class.
Online education giant Coursera brings the world’s best courses from dozens of top universities online, and lets anyone take them for free. Coursera classes are now available in five languages i.e. English, Spanish, French, Italian and Chinese, and are taught by professors from 62 universities.
On the CodePlayer, you can watch interactive presentations that explain how people built things from scratch. Once you become a coding expert, you can add your own presentations to teach others what you know.
Udacity is a very famous brand and has been in the market for years now. It is for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). It is multi-facetted and you get to know about many things apart from coding as well. It is like a social network analysis. It’s almost like a college without a diploma degree. Organizations like Google have a detailed course on Android Apps, and consequently ios apps also have courses well within reach. Generally it is free but some courses have fees for one on one tuition. This is a worth trying website for coders.
I would say it’s more for intermediate learners, but a fantastic resource for learning code. You can do a beginner level course on Udacity, Treehouse and Codeacademy, and if you go further you will be more at an ease with Code School. They have a different approach and more interactive way to teach you about coding. You have the path style sections – Ruby, HTML/CSS, iOS, and JavaScript. At the same time, you have Git, Objective – C and jQuery.
Treehouse is another top notch consistent player in the MARKET. With a 14-day free testing, $25 is charged for the primary account and $49 for a specialist and you will find to learn almost anything with the proper material. You will get excellent videos, interactive quiz, forums exercises and expert reviews to make your journey to learn coding easier.

If you like this post and got anything valuable.Give your positive feedback.Your feedback value for us.

Know what is "Ransomeware" Virus?जानिए क्या है Ransomeware....

These days being caught for ransom can happen quite differently with your computer of all things. It may be possible that at this moment you are suffering from wanna cry ransomeware who affected 3.5 lacs computer devices around the world. We are talking definitely about Ransomware, an especially type of malware that is to say bad software that’s been making headlines recently. So here’s how it works, once Ransomware gets on your computer usually through an infected email attachment or the all-too-common Trojan.
It will encrypt your data in some way and require in exchange for giving control of your system back to you.
A simpler form of Ransomware will only try to trick you into believing there’s something wrong with your computer and get you to pay money to fix it. A favourite tactic that we see in those banner ads that tell you that something has infected you. Now often with those, you’ve got at least basic control over your system still, so the only real issue is that you have to deal with constant pop-ups until you find a way to get rid of the malware.
Properties of Ransomware :
– It has unbreakable encryption, which means that you can’t decrypt the files on your own, but there are some tools that can decrypt some types.
– It can encrypt all sorts of files, from documents to pictures, videos, audio files and everything you may have on your computer.
– It can jostle your file names, so you can’t know which data was infected.
– It will append a different extension to your files.
– It will display a message or a background image that lets you know your data has been encrypted and that you have to pay some money to restore it.
– It always requests payment in Bitcoins, because governments can not track it.
– It uses complicated evasion techniques to be undetected by antivirus software.
– It can infect other PCs connected to a (LAN) local area network, generating further destruction.

At this time it’s not possible to recover the files that are encrypted by recent Ransomware. 

How to become an Ethical Hacker in 12 steps

Hacking is one of the hottest jobs in this decade but don’t take it as an easy job. You must have a deep knowledge of computer systems, programming languages, operating systems and the journey of learning goes on and on. Some people think that a hacker is always a criminal and do illegal activities but they are wrong. Actually many big companies hire hackers to protect their systems and information and are highly paid. We have prepared a list of 12 most important steps necessary to become a hacker, have a deeper look.                                                                       
UNIX/LINUX is an open source operating system which provides better security to computer systems. It was first developed by AT&T in Bell labs and contributed a lot in the world of security. You should install LINUX freely available open source versions on your desktops as without learning UNIX/LINUX, it is impossible to become a hacker.
2. Code in C language
C programming is the base of learning UNIX/LINUX as this operating system is coded in C programming which makes it the most powerful language as compared to other programming languages. C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in late 1970’s. To become a hacker you should master C language.
3. Learn to code in more than one Programming Language
It is important for a person in the hacking field to learn more than one programming. There are many programming languages to learn such as Python, JAVA, C++. Free eBooks, tutorials are easily available online.
4. Learn Networking Concepts
Another important and essential step to become a hacker is to be good at networking concepts and understanding how the networks are created. You need to know the differences between different types of networks and must have a clear understanding of TCP/IP and UDP to exploit vulnerabilities (loop holes) in system.
Understanding what LAN, WAN, VPN, Firewall is also important.
You must have a clear understanding and use of network tools such as Wireshark, NMAP for packet analyzing, network scanning etc.
5. Learn More Than One Operating Systems
It is essential for a hacker to learn more than one operating system. There are many other Operating systems apart from Windows, UNIX/LINUX etc. Every system has a loop hole, hacker needs it to exploit it.
6. Learn Cryptography
To become a successful hacker you need to master the art of cryptography. Encryption and Decryption are important skills in hacking. Encryption is widely done in several aspects of information system security in authentication, confidentiality and integrity of data. Information on a network is in encrypted form such as passwords. While hacking a system, these encrypted codes needs to be broken, which is called decryption.
7. Learn more and more about hacking
Go through various tutorials, eBooks written by experts in the field of hacking. In the field of hacking, learning is never ending because security changes every day with new updates in systems.
Follow our website’s Ethical Hacking tutorials to learn more hacking skills.
8. Experiment A Lot
After learning some concepts, sit and practice them. Setup your own lab for experimental purpose. You need a good computer system to start with as some tools may require powerful processor, RAM etc. Keep on Testing and learning until you breach a system.
9. Write Vulnerability (Loop hole program)
Vulnerability is the weakness, loop hole or open door through which you enter the system. Look for vulnerabilities by scanning the system, network etc. Try to write your own and exploit the system.
10. Contribute To Open Source Security Projects
An open source computer security project helps you a lot in polishing and testing your hacking skills. It’s not a piece of cake to get it done. Some organizations such as MOZILLA, APACHE offer open source projects. Contribute and be a part of them even if your contribution is small, it will add a big value to your field.
11. Continue never ending Learning
Learning is the key to success in the world of hacking. Continuous learning and practicing will make you the best hacker. Keep yourself updated about security changes and learn about new ways to exploit systems.
12. Join Discussions and meet hackers
Most important for a hacker is to make a community or join forums, discussions with other hackers worldwide, so that they can exchange and share their knowledge and work as a team. Join Facebook groups related to hacking where you can get more from experts.
Source: codeingsec

How to create an app. A step-by-step Guide to building your first mobile app

Why do you want to build a mobile app? Do you want to ride the wave of other entrepreneurs, or did you come across a problem that you feel you can resolve? The answer to this question will determine whether your app will be successful or not.
Here is a guide to get you started, but note it may not work for everyone. This is drawn from my experience working for more than three years with entrepreneurs, helping them build and market their mobile apps. Take from it what suits your strategy best, or follow it to the hilt. The important part is to get started.
Step 1: Get an idea or a problem. If you already have an app idea, move onto step two. If not, read on. Want to build an app but don’t have an app idea? What you really need are problems, and they’re everywhere!
Successful entrepreneurs solve problems in a way that we could not have imagined. When you look around you, every product and service you use were all created to solve a problem. You wanted to get from one place to another faster, you got a car. You wanted to get from one country to another faster, you got planes.
So look for problems in your daily life and list each one of them. Once you have an exhaustive list, then start to think on how you can resolve them and shortlist the ones that make most sense.
Step 2: Identify the need. Validation will prove that a demand exists for your app. You can validate your idea by using the Google Keyword Planner tool to look for the number of people seeking out what you’re trying to do. You could also build a landing page that broadly highlights your app idea and seek user interest through an email signup.
Step 3: Lay out the flow and features. Validation of your app idea means that you’ve got something that people want to use. Now is the time to detail your product onto a document, or if you want to go the extra mile, use a wireframing tool.
When putting your idea down on paper, remember to be as detailed as possible. Include the flow of how the user will navigate the app as well as all the features envisioned. This will help your developer to clearly understand your expectations.
Step 4: Remove non-core features. From the flow and features document you prepared, start looking closely at features that you can remove. Offer only the core value of your app idea. Do not build features in the first version that are "nice to have" and can always be added later as an update. This will help keep the initial costs of development down and also help you get to market quicker.
Step 5: Put design first. I have heard many entrepreneurs saying they want a very basic design and want to focus on just developing an app. They are so wrong! Design is not just about how your app looks, but it’s about how a user will experience the app. Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures best explains it: “Design is a way of making technology useful.” So look for a developer who puts design (user experience and graphics) first.
Step 6: Hire a designer/developer. Seek a development company that has great design talent and a solid development team. While hiring a developer, go online to check on their credibility and the apps that they have created. If you really liked an app they created from their portfolio, chances are, they could be the right one for your product.
Step 7: Create developer accounts. You must register for a developer account with the respective app stores to be able to sell your app through their platform. Google’s Android charges $25 a year and Apple charges $99 annually. You have the option of registering as an individual or as a company, if you already have one formed.
Step 8: Integrate analytics. Analytics help you track downloads, user engagement and retention for your mobile app. Make sure you use tools such as Flurry, which is available for free, and Localytics, that has a free and paid version.
Step 9: Get feedback quickly and improvise. Once your app goes live on the app store, the first set of customers' usage and behavior will give you insight into how to improve and enhance your app. Enhancements and changes are constant, so keep an eye on user feedback and keep building.
Step 10: Introduce features. You built version one with limited features and only the core offering. Now is the time to evaluate and introduce the remaining features that were left out in the initial version. You will know through analytics and feedback whether the features are relevant anymore.
These steps are not sacrosanct, but rather a guideline to building your app in the most effective manner based on my experience. Once you’re ready to start, you must also know that building a mobile app is the easiest part. Getting customers is where the challenge lies
Go and execute your plan into actions.

Top 10 Programming languages and their inventors

The inventors of top 10 programming languages

Behind every great product, there is a great man or woman. Ditto for the programming languages. Each programming language was developed by a man/woman who sought to think different. Some made it to the top of the charts while other fell by wayside.

Here are the top 10 programming languages and their inventors :

1) Java – James Gosling
Java is one of the most popular programming language making to the top of the charts for six years running. Java was invented by Dr. James Arthur Gosling who is also known as the father of the Java programming language. Dr.Gosling developed Java when he was working for Sun Microsystems between 1984 and 2010. Before joining Sun Microsystems he built a multiprocessor version of Unix for a 16-way computer system while at Carnegie Mellon University
Java was supported earlier by Sun Microsystems and now by Oracle, who acquired Sun Microsystems in January 2010. Java is created with mission WORA, “Write Once Run Anywhere” and platform independence of Java is one such keys to its success. Gosling is known for his love of proving “the unknown” and has noted that his favorite irrational number is √2. He has a framed picture of the first 1,000 digits of √2 in his office.
2) C – Dennis Ritchie
Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie, an American computer scientist, created the famous C programming language between 1967 and 1973 while working AT&T Bell labs. Though it is past its heydays, C is still very popular and used extensively in system programming. It’s older than Java but is still popular among old programmers. The C Programming Language is also referred to as K&R C, after its authors and Ritchie was the “R” in K&R C, and commonly known by his username dmr.
Dennis Ritchie is also credited for the creation of world famous UNIX operating system  with his long-time colleague Ken Thompson. Though not as popular as Microsoft’s Bill Gates or Apple’s Steve Jobs, he is known as the doyen of programming. In fact, he was in news recently when tech celebs wrongly tweeted his obit despite the fact that he died 5 years ago in 2011.
3) C++ – Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup is the inventor of famous C++ programming language. He was born on 30 December 1950 in Aarhus, Denmark and most noted for the creation and the development of the widely-used C++ programming language. Stroustrup has a master’s degree in computer science (1975) from Aarhus University, Denmark, and a Ph.D. in computer science (1979) from the University of Cambridge, England. His thesis advisor at Cambridge was David Wheeler
Stroustrup began developing C++ in 1978 (then called "C with Classes”), and, in his own words, “invented C++, wrote its early definitions, and produced its first implementation… chose and formulated the design criteria for C++, designed all its major facilities, and was responsible for the processing of extension proposals in the C++ standards committee.” Stroustrup also wrote a textbook for the language, The C++ Programming Language.
4) Python – Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum, born 31 January 1956 is a Dutch programmer who is best known as the author of the Python programming language. In the Python community, Van Rossum is known as a “Benevolent Dictator For Life” (BDFL), meaning that he continues to oversee the Python development process, making decisions where necessary.
Python is the favorite language of hackers, security researchers, and pentesters because of its structural stability and usefulness in developing exploits and tools. Hackers like it because its syntax is clear and expressive. Python is designed by Guido van Rossum of CWI.
5) PHP – Rasmus Lerdorf
Rasmus Lerdorf (born 22 November 1968) is a Greenlandic-Danish programmer. He created the PHP scripting language, authoring the first two versions of the language and participated in the development of later versions led by a group of developers including Jim Winstead (who later created blo.gs), Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Andi Gutmans, and Zeev Suraski. He continues to contribute to the project.
PHP is not considered as a programming language but it is used extensively to power the web. PHP was originally created by Lerdorf in 1995. The main implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the formal reference to the PHP language. PHP is open source and used by internet giants like Facebook and Wikipedia as well as for CMS like WordPress and Joomla. The full form of PHP is Personal Home Page.
6) Perl – Larry Wall
Larry Wall (born September 27, 1954) is a computer programmer and author, most widely known as the creator of the general-purpose, and dynamic programming language. Perl rose to fame because of its excellent text processing capability. It is still the primary language used to develop reports, scripts on UNIX systems.
Besides Perl, Wall is the author of the rn Usenet client and the widely used patch program. Wall developed the Perl interpreter and language while working for System Development Corporation, which later became part of Unisys. He is the co-author of Programming Perl (often referred to as the Camel Book and published by O’Reilly), which is the definitive resource for Perl programmers; and edited the Perl Cookbook. He then became employed full-time by O’Reilly Media to further develop Perl and write books on the subject.
7) JavaScript – Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich (born 1961) is an American technologist and creator of the JavaScript programming language. Besides inventing JavaScript, Eich also co-founded the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation, and served as the Mozilla Corporation’s chief technical officer and briefly its chief executive officer.
Purists would hate if I call JavaScript a programming language but it has been immensely popular for its wide range of applications. The best feature of JavaScript is its immense libraries like jQuery and node.js. JavaScript was designed by Brendan Eich and developed by Netscape Communications Corporation to power Netscape Navigator web browser. Having originally joined intending to put Scheme “in the browser”, Eich was instead commissioned to create a new language that resembled Java, JavaScript for the Netscape Navigator Web browser
8) Ruby – Yukihiro Matsumoto
Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan. Besides being the chief designer of the Ruby programming language he also developed its reference implementation, Matz’s Ruby Interpreter (MRI). His demeanor has brought about a motto in the Ruby community: “Matz is nice and so we are nice,” commonly abbreviated as MINASWAN.
Ruby is influenced by Perl, Ada, Lisp and Smalltalk and designed for productive and enjoyable programming. Ruby is mostly used for web application development and used by major websites like Twitter, Hulu and Groupon.
9) Lisp – John McCarthy
John McCarthy is credited with developing the second oldest high-level programming language, Lisp. Lisp stands for List processor.
Besides developing Lisp, he coined the now famous term “artificial intelligence” (AI). He also developed the Lisp programming language family, significantly influenced the design of the ALGOL programming language, popularized timesharing, and was very influential in the early development of AI.
10) Pascal – Niklaus Wirth
Niklaus Emil Wirth (born 15 February 1934) is a Swiss computer scientist, best known for designing Pascal programming laanguage, and for pioneering several classic topics in software engineering.
Wirth was also the chief designer of the programming languages Euler, Algol W, Modula, Modula-2, Oberon, Oberon-2, and Oberon-07. He was also a major part of the design and implementation team for the Lilith and Oberon operating systems, and for the Lola digital hardware design and simulation system.

Write a python function, find_correct() which accepts a dictionary and returns a list as per the rules mentioned below. The input dictionary will contain correct spelling of a word as key and the spelling provided by a contestant as the value.

Write a python function,  find_correct()  which accepts a dictionary and returns a list as per the rules mentioned below. The input diction...